Family Counseling — Marriage Counseling Roswell GA
The modern world places unprecedented strain on individuals, marriages, and families. We’re all stressed, and our relationships are suffering.

Steven D. Brand (offering marriage counseling – Roswell, Ga) uses a blend of both cognitive and behavioral therapies to guide you through family and marital stressors.
His fundamental premise is: “The truth will set you free.”
This simply means that any truth about yourself, your marriage, your family of origin, your siblings, or your parenting could become a newly discovered truth that empowers you to recover and overcome any major hurdle in your marriage and family life.
Marital Therapy
Marriage can be hard work. Steven honors and respects couples willing to seek his perspective on their relationships. An investment in marital therapy communicates a serious commitment to marital harmony and unity.
Family Therapy
Steven sees small children only in the context of their family. He treats six- to twelve-year-old children and adolescents but also works with them in their family context.
Family therapy helps families use their own strengths to solve problems. Sometimes, one family member (like a child) might show signs of struggle, but this often points to bigger challenges the whole family needs to work on together.
If you’re having difficulty in your family and marriage, call Steven today to begin the healing process.